Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 5

Voiced and unvoiced are two different types of writing styles and also two different types of thinkers. Voiced is more emotional and dependent on outside influence for a reaction. Unvoiced is trying to be objective.
What kind of person is prose style reaching out to?

Chapter 5 is stating that voice makes a point to the personal and individual. With all of the personal significance involved a statement can be stretched out because of the personal psychology of what is being internalized.
In order to keep it prose writing with a strong voice, central words of description should be added. Something that is understand generally and not in I think this...statements.
Singular words from a cultural idea provide a descriptive view that a person is voicing. Background, perhaps time period, personality, all flood in with these periodic words.
You can get closer to the identity of the writer with voiced prose because all of the scattered filler information is omitted, taking us straight to the core of what needs to be said.

This is my understanding of voiced prose.
We have an overall desire to move closer to each other, this is why we create. The more we can understand our-self and our own voice the better we can convey our meaning. The more people find that understanding of their own voice the closer we can move into a deeper understanding of another persons voice.
"The point of life is to sing our song until others chime in."

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